The packages of Enlightenment Window Manager located in SparkyLinux repository can be installed on Sparky and Debian.
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install enlightenment
The 'enlightenment' package installs a 'polkit' back end such as:
policykit-1-gnome polkit-kde-agent-1 mate-polkit lxqt-policykit lxpolkit
Make sure that your Enlightenment installation enabled one of the above tools at the start up.
To do it manually, go to Settings→ Apps→ Startup Applications. Find one of the tools on “System” or “Applications” list and add it to the startup (check in “Order” tab after).
The second way to do so is edition (or creating if doesn't exist) a file:
Then add a '.desktop' file of the above tools, 'polkit' for example: