Sparky “Rescue” Edition is an operating system which works in a live DVD/USB mode only (no installation on a hard drive). The Live system contains a large set of tools for scanning and fixing files, partitions and operating systems installed on hard drives.
It uses ultra lightweight Openbox window manager as its default desktop.
Backup (creating and restoring): Clonezilla, DDRescue +
GUI, FSArchive, Grsync, luckyBackup, Partclone, Partimage + Partimage Server
Bootloader (fixing the bootloader GRUB): Boot Repair
Chroot (chrooting into Linux distributions): Chroot, Chrooter (Sparky Chrooter)
Dysk (managing and partitioning): Cfdisk, Disktype, Fdisk, Gdisk, GParted, Parted, TestDisk
Encryption (encrypting disks and partitions): Cryptsetup, Tcplay, VeraCrypt, zuluCrypt, zuluMount
Files (operations on files and directories): Eraser (Sparky Eraser), Thunar, Midnight Commander, PhotoRec, Shred, Tux Commander, Wipe, Xarchiver
Malware (antivirus and antirootkits scanners): Chkrootkit, ClamAV, ClamTK, Rkhunter
Monitoring: top, htop, lxrandr, nmon
Network (access to MS Windows shared folders): samba client
Package Management: APT, RPM, YUM, Zypper
Passwords MS Windows (MS Windows passwords cracker): ophcrack
Remote Desktop: Gigolo, rdesktop +
GUI, Remmina, TeamViewer Installer
The file systems supported: Reiserfs, Reiser4, ext3/4, iso9660, UDF, XFS, JFS, UFS, HPFS, HFS, HFS+, Time Machine FS, MINIX, MS DOS, NTFS, VFAT. BTRFS, Exfat, F2FS, LVM2, NILFS2
Quick Help
The set of extra tools for rescue edition can be installed on the top of any desktop environment/window manager, via the meta package:
Make sure that many of the tools work in text mode only, and do not have menu entries. A full menu is provided by 'obmenu-generator' which is designed to the Openbox window manager.