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Install new packages

This quick guide lets you find and install new packages via a text console.

Every command has be run with root privileges su or sudo.

1. Find a package:

 apt-cache search package-name

2. Check is a package installed and find its version:

 apt-cache policy package-name

3. Install a package (packages):

 apt-get install package1 package2 package3

4.If you have downloaded a “deb” package from the network, you can install it using dpkg tool:

 cd /patch-to downloaded-dir
 dpkg -i package1.deb package2.deb package3.deb

If the package (packages) needs extra dependencies, the installation will be broken. To fix it, run:

 apt-get install -f

<--Manual system upgrade

install_package.1433359347.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/05/04 15:25 (external edit)