{{:sparky_5.9_xfce.png?200|SparkyLinux 5.9 Xfce - 1000X625}} ===== SparkyLinux 5.9 Xfce ===== SparkyLinux 5.9 Xfce • fully featured OS with a lightweight desktop environment, which works out of the box and contain a selection of pré installed commonly used software for our users. **Accessories:** * Application Finder * Bulk Rename * Florence Virtual Keyboard * Galculator * Image Viewer * LightDM GTK+ Greeter Settings * Menu Editor * Midnight Commander * Mousepad * Notes * Orage Globaltime * Parcellite * Password and Keys * Screenshot * Sparky First Run * Task Manager * Xarchiver * Xfburn * **Development** * Icon Browser **Education:** * LibreOffice Math **Graphics:** * Image Viewer * LibreOffice Draw * qCamera * Simple Scan **Internet:** * Firefox ESR * HexChat * Pidgin Internet Messenger * Thunderbird * Transmission * uGet **Multimedia** * Exaile * PulseAudio Volume Control * qCamera * Radio Tray * Sparky Tube * VLC Media Player * vokoscreen * Xfburn * **Office** * Atril Document Viewer * LibreOffice * LibreOffice Base * LibreOffice Calc * LibreOffice Draw * LibreOffice Impress * LibreOffice Math * LibreOffice Writer * qpdfview **Settings:** * About Me * Accessibility * Advanced Network Configuration * Appearance * Bluetooth Adapters * Bluetooth Settings * Desktop * Display * File Manager * Firewall Configuration * Keyboard * LightDM GTK+ Greeter Settings * Menu Editor * Mouse and Touchpad * Notifications * Orage Preferences * Panel * Power Manager * Preferred Applications * Print Settings * Removable Drives and Media * Screensaver * Session and Startup * Settings Editor * Settings Manager * Synaptic Package Manager * Window Manager * Window Manager Tweaks * Workspaces * Xfce Terminal **System:** * About SparkyLinux * APtus * BleachBit * Bulk Rename * DEBiTool Package Installer * GParted * LightDM GTK+ Greeter Settings * Live USB Creator * Midnight Commander * Print Settings * Sparky Advanced Installer * Sparky Installer * Synaptic Package Manager * Thunar File Manager * Timeshift * USB Disk Formatter * UXTerm * Xfce Terminal * XTerm {{:sparky_5.9_xfce.png?500|SparkyLinux 5.9 Xfce - 1000X625}} |[[sparky_home|<--- Full Editions]] | [[https://sparkylinux.org/download/stable/| Download ]] | [[minimal|Minimal ISO --->]]|