{{:sparky_5.9_lxqt.png?200|SparkyLinux 5.9 LXQt - 1000X600}} ===== SparkyLinux 5.9 LXQt =====
SparkyLinux 5.9 LXQt • fully featured OS with a lightweight desktop environment, which works out of the box and contain a selection of pré installed common use software for our users.
* FeatherPad
* LXQt File Archiver
* Midnight Commander
* Password and Keys
* Qlipper
* Sparky First Run
* Xfburn
* LibreOffice Math
* LXimage
* LibreOffice Draw
* Screenshot
* Skanlite
* qCamera
* Firefox ESR
* HexChat
* Persepolis Download Manager
* Sparky Online Instillation Guide
* Thunderbird
* qBittorrent
* LibreOffice
* LibreOffice Base
* LibreOffice Calc
* LibreOffice Draw
* LibreOffice Impress
* LibreOffice Math
* LibreOffice Writer
* qpdfview
* Icon Browser
**Sound and Video**
* PulseAudio Volume Control
* Qmmp
* Sparky Tube
* VLC Media Player
* Fxburn
* vokoscreen
**System Tools:**
* APtus
* BleachBit
* DEBiTool Package Manager
* Disk Usage
* GParted
* Live USB Creator
* Midnight Commander
* QTerminal
* QTerminal (drop down)
* Sparky Advanced Installer
* Sparky Backup System
* Sparky Installer
* System Upgrade Scheduler
* Timeshift
* USB Disk Formatter
* UXTerm
* Xterm
* gEvec
* gps
* LXQt Settings
* Disk Manager
* Firewall Configuration
* Keyboard and Mouse
* Monitor Settings
* LightDM GTK+ Greeter Settings
* Notifications
* Print Settings
* Screensaver
* Synaptic Package Manager
{{:sparky_5.9_lxqt.png?500|SparkyLinux 5.9 LXQt - 1000X600}}
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