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verify_iso [2017/05/13 17:02] pavrooverify_iso [2024/09/30 16:30] (current) pavroo
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-===== Verify ISO image =====+===== Verify ISO/IMG image =====
 ==== Basic way ==== ==== Basic way ====
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 === Linux host === === Linux host ===
-Sparky iso image should be downloaded from one of the official servers only. Use links from the download page only: [[|]] to make sure they are official.+Sparky iso image should be downloaded from one of the official servers only. Use links from the download page only: [[|]] to make sure they are official.
-Download the AllSums.txt file too, which features control sums of the iso image:+Download the AllSums.txt file too, which features control sums of the ISO/IMG image:
    * md5sum    * md5sum
    * sha1    * sha1
Line 13: Line 13:
    * sha512    * sha512
-To verify Sparky iso image, run one of the command, using a terminal emulator, in the download folder:+To verify Sparky ISO/IMG image, run one of the command, using a terminal emulator, in the download folder:
    md5sum sparkylinux-<version>-<arch>-<edition>.iso    md5sum sparkylinux-<version>-<arch>-<edition>.iso
    sha1sum sparkylinux-<version>-<arch>-<edition>.iso    sha1sum sparkylinux-<version>-<arch>-<edition>.iso
Line 32: Line 32:
 1. Download 'Sparky ISO Public Key': 1. Download 'Sparky ISO Public Key':
-   wget -O sparkylinux-iso.gpg.key+   wget -O sparkylinux-iso.gpg.key
 2. Import the downloaded key: 2. Import the downloaded key:
Line 43: Line 43:
 3. Download **sparkylinux-<version>-<arch>-<edition>.iso.sig** file from the download page. 3. Download **sparkylinux-<version>-<arch>-<edition>.iso.sig** file from the download page.
-4. Open a terminal emulator in your download directory which contains both the Sparky iso image and the sig file, and verify the iso (example):+4. Open a terminal emulator in your download directory which contains both the Sparky ISO/IMG image and the sig file, and verify the ISO/IMG (example):
    gpg --keyid-format 0xlong --verify sparkylinux-4.3-i686-minimalcli.iso.sig sparkylinux-4.3-i686-minimalcli.iso    gpg --keyid-format 0xlong --verify sparkylinux-4.3-i686-minimalcli.iso.sig sparkylinux-4.3-i686-minimalcli.iso
 The output should display the right key: The output should display the right key:
Line 61: Line 61:
    Primary key fingerprint: 1F61 A0A8 478A E18E A3E7  7CF9 C39D 3F72 2C86 EECA    Primary key fingerprint: 1F61 A0A8 478A E18E A3E7  7CF9 C39D 3F72 2C86 EECA
-Change the iso image name to yours.+Change the ISO/IMG image name to the one you have.
-Everything is fine if the iso key is the same as is in point 2 and 4:+Everything is fine if the ISO/IMG key is the same as is in point 2 and 4:
    gpg:                using RSA key 1F61A0A8478AE18EA3E77CF9C39D3F722C86EECA    gpg:                using RSA key 1F61A0A8478AE18EA3E77CF9C39D3F722C86EECA
 ---- ----
-<WRAP center box 60%> +<WRAP center box 100%> 
-[[start|<--- Wiki start page]]|[[burn_iso|Burn ISO image onto CD/DVD disk --->]]+|[[start|<--- Wiki start page]]   [[start|^ Wiki Start Page ^]]  |  [[burn_iso|Burn ISO image onto CD/DVD disk --->]]|
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
verify_iso.1494687763.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/05/04 15:25 (external edit)