====== SparkyLinux Wiki =======
Welcome to the SparkyLinux Wiki, the source for SparkyLinux documentation.
===== About SparkyLinux =====
Basic information about Sparky.
* [[about|About SparkyLinux]]
* [[minimum_system_requirements|Minimum system requirements]]
* [[code_names|SparkyLinux code names]]
* [[download|Download info]]
* [[faq|FAQ]]
===== SparkyLinux Desktops =====
Add Desktops to the [[minimal|Minimal ISO]]
* [[sparky_desktops|Sparky desktops]]
* [[home_roasted_third_party_desktops|Home roasted 3rd party desktops]]
* [[cde|CDE]]
* [[draco|Draco]]
* [[lumina_desktop|Lumina]]
* [[nscde_desktop|NsCDE]]
* [[desktops_from_third_party_repositories|Desktops from 3rd party repositories]]
* [[trinity_desktop|Trinity]]
* Others
* [[bspwm|bspwm]] (in Debian repos)
* [[budgie|Budgie]] (in Debian repos)
* [[enlightenment|Enlightenment]] (in Debian repos)
* [[enlightenment_installation|Installation]]
* [[enlightenment_applications|Applications]]
* [[jade_desktop|Jade]] (not in use)
* [[manokwari_desktop|Manokwari]] (not in use)
* [[pantheon_desktop|Pantheon]] (not in use)
* [[sway|Sway]] (in Debian repos)
===== SparkyLinux Tools =====
What are they and how to use.
Install/remove applications via APTus
* [[aptus|APTus]]
* [[aptus_appcenter|APTus AppCenter]]
* [[aptus_upgrade|APTus Upgrade (aka System Upgrade)]]
* [[aptus_upgrade_checker|APTus Upgrade Checker]]
* [[aptus_extra|APTus Extra]]
* [[aptus_gamer|APTus Gamer]]
Additional Sparky tools for different tasks.
* [[custom_iso_builder|Custom ISO (re)Builder]] (work in progress)
* [[deb_package_builder|Deb Package Builder]] (work in progress)
* [[debitool|DEBiTool]]
* [[desura_installer|Desura Installer]] (no longer in use)
* [[gscreenshot|Gscreenshot]] (3rd party)
* [[jgmenu|jgmenu]] (3rd party)
* [[linux_kernel|Latest Linux Kernel]]
* [[lightscribe_installer|LightScribe Installer]]
* [[live_usb_creator|Live USB Creator]]
* [[obmenu_generator|Openbox Menu Generator]] (3rd party)
* [[radiostation|RadioStation]]
* [[skype_installer|Skype Installer]]
* [[sparky_autostart|Sparky Autostart]]
* [[sparky_backlight|Sparky Backlight]]
* [[sparky_backup_system|Sparky Backup (ISO) System]]
* [[sparky_backup_core|Sparky Backup Core]]
* [[sparky_backup_sys|Sparky Backup Sys]]
* [[tricks_tips|Backup System - Tricks & Tips]]
* [[sparky_center_lxde|Sparky Center LXDE]] (no longer in use)
* [[sparky_codecs|Sparky Codecs]]
* [[sparky_compton|Sparky Compton]]
* [[sparky_conky|Sparky Conky]]
* [[sparky_desktop|Sparky Desktop]]
* [[sparky_eraser|Sparky Eraser]]
* [[sparky_firstrun|Sparky First Run]] (work in progress)
* [[sparky_kernel_builder|Sparky Kernel Builder]]
* [[sparky_launcher|Sparky Launcher]]
* [[sparky_libinput|Sparky Libinput]]
* [[sparky_obmenu|Sparky Obmenu]]
* [[sparky_office|Sparky Office]]
* [[sparky_online|Sparky Online]]
* [[sparky_optical|Sparky Optical]]
* [[sparky_pass_check|Sparky Pass Check]]
* [[sparky_password_change|Sparky Password]] (work in progress)
* [[sparky_picom|Sparky Picom]]
* [[sparky_play|Sparky Play MP3]]
* [[sparky_player|Sparky Player]]
* [[sparky_screenshot|Sparky Screenshot]]
* [[sparky_su|Sparky SU]]
* [[sparky_system|Sparky System]]
* [[sparky_terminal|Sparky Terminal]]
* [[sparky_time_date|Sparky Time/Date Set]] (work in progress)
* [[sparky_tray|Sparky Tray]]
* [[sparky_tube|Sparky Tube]]
* [[sparky_usb_imager|Sparky USB Imager]]
* [[sparky_users|Sparky Users]] (work in progress)
* [[sparky_web|Sparky Web Browser Installer]]
* [[sparky_www|Sparky WWW]]
* [[sparky_wine|Sparky Wine (aka Wine wrapper)]]
* [[sparky_xdf|Sparky Xdf]]
* [[usb_formatter|USB Disk Formatter]]
* [[wm_logout|WM-Logout]]
===== Translation =====
Help translating Sparky tools.
* [[locales|Locales]]
===== SparkyLinux Editions =====
Different editions for different desires.
* [[versions|SparkyLinux Versions]]
* [[sparky_home|Full Editions]]
* [[sparky_home|LXDE (not in use)]]
* [[sparky_home|LXQt]]
* [[sparky_home|Xfce]]
* [[sparky_home|Mate]] (early 2020)
* [[minimal|Minimal Editions]]
* [[sparky_gui|Minimal GUI]]
* [[sparky_cli|Enhanced CLI]]
* [[sparky_special|Special Editions]]
* [[sparky_gameover|GameOver Edition]]
* [[sparky_multimedia|Multimedia Edition]]
* [[sparky_rescue|Rescue Edition]]
* [[sparky_arm|ARM Edition]] (for RaspberryPi)
===== SparkyLinux Installation =====
Install Sparky on a hard or USB drive.
* [[verify_iso|Verify ISO Image]]
* [[burn_iso|Burn ISO Image To CD/DVD]]
* [[create_live_usb|Create Live USB Drive]]
* [[partitioning|Disk Partitioning]]
* [[boot_old|How-to Boot Sparky On Very Old Machines]]
* [[install|System Installation]]
* [[calamares|Calamares]]
* [[advanced_installer|Advanced Installer]]
* [[live_installer|Live Installer]] (no longer in use)
===== Package Management =====
Install, upgrade and remove packages.
Text console method.
* [[repository|Sparky Repository]]
* [[repository_oldstable|Oldstable Line]]
* [[repository_stable|Stable Line]]
* [[repository_testing|Testing (Semi-Rolling) Line]]
* [[mirrors|Mirrors]]
* [[upgrade|Manual System Upgrade]]
* [[upgrade_higher_release|Upgrade to higher release]]
* [[install_package|Install New Packages]]
* [[remove_package|Remove Packages]]
* [[fix_package|Fix Broken Packages]]
* [[clean_packages|Clean Up Packages]]
Graphic User Interface method.
* [[synaptic|Synaptic]]
* [[gdebi|Gdebi]]
===== Using SparkyLinux =====
Find some helpful tips.
=== Custom shortcuts ===
* [[custom_shortcuts|Custom Shortcuts]]
=== Live mode ===
* [[live_users|Live User Name and Passwords]]
=== Network ===
* [[weather_location|How-to Change Weather Location in Openbox Pipe Menu]]
* [[how_to_speedup_google_chrome_internet_browser|How-to Speedup Google Chrome Internet Browser]]
=== Office ===
* [[how_to_install_ms_office_alternative_kingsoft_wps_office_latest_version|How-to Install MS Office Alternative Kingsoft (WPS) Office (Latest Version)]]
=== System ===
* [[customize_grub_to_your_liking|How-to Customize GRUB]]
* [[how_to_install_longterm_liquorix_kernels|How-to Install Longterm Liquorix Kernels?]]
* [[monitor_resolution|How-to Manually Set Monitor Resolution]]
* [[grub_does_not_see_other_oses|GRUB does not see other OSes]]
=== Virtualization ===
* [[virtualbox_efi_boot_failed|Boot Failed After Installation - Sparky In Virtualbox EFI mode]]
* [[virtualbox_fullscreen_problem_installing_guest_additions_on_sparkylinux|Virtualbox Fullscreen Problem, Installing Guest Additions on Sparkylinux]]